Mission Block Logo

Artwork for our new Mission

The Mission Block logo art is merely an artistic display of the Polaris Mission Statement. It has been used in print and on promotional materials. The .png file format is being provided as it allows for a transparant background and should work for most needs. Please make sure you are using the correct logo for light or dark backgrounds, and run your project by Doug Miller, Director of Community Outreach. Email him at dmiller@polaris.edu, using the words FOR APPROVAL in the email subject. Of course, you can call 7609 with any questions or if you need this logo in a different file format.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Mission Block Primary

This is the version of the Mission Statement block style that will be used on most applications with a white or light background.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Mission Block Secondary

This version of the Mission Statement block style is for use on dark backgrounds.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Mission Block Black

This version of the Mission statement block style is one color black for use on white or light backgrounds.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Mission Block White

This version of the Mission Statement block style if one color white for use on black or dark backgrounds.