Polaris Logo

Find the right version of the Polaris Career Center logo for your needs.

There are many versions of the Polaris Career Center logo for different applications. The .png file format is being provided as it allows for a transparant background and should work for most needs. Please make sure you are using the correct logo for light or dark backgrounds, and run your project by Doug Miller, Director of Community Outreach. Email him at dmiller@polaris.edu, using the words FOR APPROVAL in the email subject. Of course, you can call 7609 with any questions or if you need a logo in a different file format.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Primary Logo

This logo is the version used for most applications. Meant for a white or light background, which includes uniforms and clothing.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Secondary Logo

This logo is the primary version for use on dark backgrounds.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Secondary Logo - Black

This logo is a one color option for use on white or light backgrounds.

polaris career center logo colored on white background

Secondary Logo - Dark Garment

This logo is for stitch-outs on dark colored uniforms only. This should not be used for any other application.